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The Silver Serenaders have several major fundraisers that can be of benefit to you and help our ministry as well. Please call or email us for more details.





We offer Grade No. 1 Caladium bulbs for you to plant in the Spring. The bulbs will be available for delivery in mid April 2024. Quantities are limited so we suggest you pre-order by March 2024.


Aaron caladium pic.jpg


Red Flash

Buck Caladium pic.jpg



White Christmas

Carolyn Whorton


June Bride

$1.00 per bulb, or only $170 ~  full case of 200 bulbs 

Caladiums -2024_edited.jpg

To view examples of actual Silver Serenaders customer's caladium beds, click HERE.


 We have USDA No. 1 shelled Georgia pecan halves and pieces  for your holiday meals and gifts available for delivery every Fall. The extra large pecan halves grade out as USDA Mammoth (150-200 halves per pound), and are this year's crop fresh from the trees. Order by October 16th, 2023. Pecans will be delivered in early November.  



As you have seen on previous pages of this site, the Silver Serenaders is devoted to helping senior citizens lead a more productive life of community service through singing. The choir is incorporated by the State of Texas, and has an IRS 501 (c) (3) status for tax exempt contributions.


The members pay dues and furnish their own uniforms, but it still requires a significant amount of money to continue our ministry. We give eight or more concerts a year, and there are expenses associated with each one.


So we are hoping you can support us with a tax deductible contribution to help underwrite our program expenses. With your permission, we will list you as a donor on our concert programs. Any amount you can afford will be acceptable and greatly appreciated.


Send checks to Silver Serenaders P.O. Box 223911, Dallas, TX 75222. Be sure to include your address, permission to list your name as donor, and any dedication you want to make.


Or you may make a contribution directly to your credit card by calling 214-668-9843.


Another easy, safe way is to use your credit card or PayPal account directly through our website. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes. Just fill out the Make A Donation form below.

Make a donation


One time










Comment (optional) This will not show on your receipt. However it will show in our records. 

Another way to give....

The Silver Serenaders have an exciting funding source offered by Fred & Carol's Traveltime, a full service travel agency. Frequently, Traveltime sponsors a Silver Serenader fund raising cruise to various places in the world at very competitive prices. The good news is that if the traveler signs up as part of a Silver Serenaders tour group, then a generous donation is made by the travel agency to the Silver Serenaders at no extra cost to the traveler.


To view a slideshow of our 2016 cruise, click here:

As a direct result of this cruise, Fred & Carol's Traveltime awarded a generous donation to the Silver Serenaders of $7,700.


The presentation of this donation was made on February 29, 2016. In the photo below, Assistant Director Aaron Ledford, President/CEO Mary Crawford, and  Artistic Director Chett Haynes gratefully accept the check from Fred and Carol Smith, owners of Traveltime (in center). Thanks, Fred and Carol!!!


Register  Silver Serenaders as your charity of choice using number TX121 or Silver Serenaders of Texas, and we will receive a portion of eligible purchases. Participants can enroll their Kroger Plus Card online at the secure website

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